We already published the list of best Xbox One games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best Xbox One compilation games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the Xbox One definitely has a great library of compilation games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the Xbox One and compilation games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#10. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

- Release Data: Vicarious Visions/Activision, 2018
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
Tough as nails but just as tight as you remember, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is a tasty trip down memory lane.
The visual upgrade is nothing short of spectacular, and while the design of these iconic platformers is firmly fixed in the 90s, they’re surprisingly playable today.
#9. The Disney Afternoon Collection

- Release Data: Capcom, 2017
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
Objectively The Disney Afternoon Collection is quite the value and Capcom has given gamers quite the appetizing package, whether you’re familiar with Capcom’s retro Disney games or not.
Once again, the production values and accuracy of these emulations are second-to-none, but it’s the added features that makes this selection essential.
#8. Mega Man Legacy Collection

- Release Data: Digital Eclipse/Capcom, 2015
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
It may not have as many games as the decade-old Mega Man Anniversary Collection, but Legacy Collection is a much better effort when it comes to overall presentation and ensuring that each game is reproduced faithfully.
These conversions are spot-on in every regard, and the supplemental features augment the experience without sullying the purity of the original releases.
#7. SNK 40th Anniversary Collection

- Release Data: SNK/Other Ocean Interactive, 2019
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
For the collector or retro game enthusiast, this is a must have.
Some games may turn off the more casual players, but luckily, SNK didn’t skimp on the presentation and restoration of this collection.
It’s an acquired taste, but for those that are interested in the games of yesteryear, this is a great collection to pick up.
#6. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection

- Release Data: Iron Galaxy Studios/2K Games, 2015
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
While those with no love for the franchise will find nothing for them here, it does provide a handsome jumping on point for newcomers, as well as a great way for the Borderlands faithful to catch up on anything that they might have missed.
#5. Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle

- Release Data: Capcom, 2018
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
This bundle is a must-have for fans of ’90s arcade games since it has classics and obscure gems that really should have been considered classics.
There’s no challenge thanks to the constant free play, but there is power in the freedom of being able to take down every single opponent that gets in your face.
#4. Metro Redux

- Release Data: 4A Games/Deep Silver, 2014
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
The bleak and desolate world of Metro is surprisingly fun to explore, and looks even better than before in this remastered version.
Both Metro games have had a bit of upgrades, giving us better looking textures and a more consistent frame rate.
So, if you love depressing narratives that are as thrilling as they are poignant, then this is for you.
#3. BioShock: The Collection

- Release Data: 2K Games, 2016
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
BioShock: The Collection guides players through the mind bending and horrifying depths of Rapture in BioShock and BioShock 2, as well as the disturbing flying city of Columbia in BioShock: Infinite.
Each game stands strong as an enjoyable first-person shooter, but the stories and twists within each game are what truly set this collection apart from the pack.
#2. Rare Replay

- Release Data: Rare Ltd./Microsoft Game Studios, 2015
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
Rare absolutely dominated the late 90’s, and this collection of their titles is perfect for fans of that era of gaming.
This collection contains classics such as Banjo-Kazooie, Battletoads, Perfect Dark, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, and many more.
Each game has a challenge list to complete, and completing various challenges rewards you with never-before-seen content.
#1. Spyro Reignited Trilogy

- Release Data: Toys for Bob/Activision, 2018
- Genre: Casual » Compilation
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy is another great remake from Activision.
The purple dragon’s original trio of adventures holds up brilliantly, with beautiful, colorful visuals and meticulously rebuilt levels.
Overall, this is a remake Spyro fans can be proud of, and a threesome of old-school 3D platformers that a new generation of players will come to love.
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See also: Best Xbox 360 Games & Best Gaming Chairs
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which Xbox One compilation game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!