We already published the list of best PS4 games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best PS4 turn-based strategy games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the PS4 definitely has a great library of turn-based strategy games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the PS4 and turn-based strategy games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#10. Hitman GO: Definitive Edition

- Release Data: Square Enix Montreal/Square Enix, 2016
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » General
Though it wears the Hitman name, Hitman GO is more like a puzzle game than anything else.
Compellingly fun in the beginning and maddeningly challenging in the end, Hitman GO is a surprising game given its platform and one that will have players revisiting it time and time again.
#9. Worms W.M.D

- Release Data: Team 17, 2016
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » Artillery
The Worms games are always about a death match though it has a thick coat of turn-based strategy basted on top of it for good measure.
Players that are looking for a game that is great with friends and family can really do no better than this title.
#8. Masquerada: Songs and Shadows

- Release Data: Witching Hour Studios/Ysbryd Games, 2017
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » Tactics
Inspired by Venetian masquerades from the renaissance, Masquerada is at turns a traditional RPG and at others a turn-based, tactical game in the same vein as Tactics Ogre.
This game’s unique song and magic mechanic makes it stand out in terms of execution though the game is much more traditional than the story might otherwise suggest.
#7. Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence

- Release Data: Koei Tecmo Games, 2015
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » General
As the Sphere of Influence in the title implies, Nobunaga’s Ambition is all about conducting warfare, domestic policy, and diplomacy.
And it’s definitely not a historical game for the faint of heart.
Plunging players headfirst into a bloody conflict, Nobunaga’s Ambition prides itself on accuracy, historicity, and the player’s ability to move the needle one way or the other.
#6. The Banner Saga

- Release Data: Stoic/Versus Evil, 2016
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » Tactics
With many twisting and looping yarns of narrative twining together, The Banner Saga is all about player choice and the impact it has on the game’s world.
The best part of all is that, once you finish it once, you can play again and again, making different choices each time for a new story experience.
#5. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance

- Release Data: Nippon Ichi Software/NIS America, 2015
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » Tactics
Dripping with anime goodness and hearkening to older PC strategy games, this game is great for fans of Japanese games as well as intense, involved, and deep turn-based strategy titles.
A thoroughly challenging game that offers tons of content and replay value, Disgaea 5 is emblematic of just how different games in the tactical genre can be.
#4. Invisible, Inc. Console Edition

- Release Data: Klei Entertainment, 2016
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » Tactics
Squad-based tactical games are always interesting in that they force the player to make everyone work together even if that doesn’t really appeal.
Learning each squad mates abilities and specialities is one thing but combining them with others in an effective way makes Invisible surprisingly challenging.
#3. Valkyria Chronicles 4

- Release Data: Sega, 2018
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » Tactics
Turn-based, tactical RPG Valkyria Chronicles 4 sheds the sword and sorcery so common to the genre and, instead, gives us martial tactics centered on armored cavalry and guns.
Unique without being opaque, Valkyria Chronicles 4 is the definition of quirky but it is also a batch of fun.
#2. XCOM 2

- Release Data: Firaxis Games/2K Games, 2016
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » Tactics
As a ragtag gang trying to free the world, the tactics you use are different than the search and destroy missions of the first game.
Even so, that makes an appearance here as well as the base building and research tree that helps arm your squad with better, more effective weapons.
#1. Valkyria Chronicles Remastered

- Release Data: Sega, 2016
- Genre: Strategy » Turn-Based » Tactics
Though it uses armaments and weapons that straddle a world between fantasy and reality, Valkyria Chronicles is, at its most basic level, a traditional squad RPG and, at its most complex, is a gripping tale of struggle and heroism.
You’ll be playing it again and again for years—just like the best in the genre.
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See also: Best PS Vita Games & Best Gaming Chairs
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which PS4 turn-based strategy game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!