We already published the list of best PS4 games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best PS4 party/minigame games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the PS4 definitely has a great library of party/minigame games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the PS4 and party/minigame games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#10. Chimparty

- Release Data: NapNok Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2018
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
Chimparty is fun in short bursts and works best with a mix of ages.
The crazy mini-games will have younger kids laughing out loud and keep them entertained for a while.
Overall, it’s a good example of a PlayLink game and shows the potential of the technology.
#9. That’s You!

- Release Data: Wish Studios, 2017
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
All in all, That’s You is an entertaining game and if you’re looking for a party game, it definitely meets the mark and more importantly, everyone has a smartphone these days so getting your friends and family around to play a game on your PlayStation 4 has never been easier.
#8. Hidden Agenda

- Release Data: Supermassive Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2017
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
With a huge web of choices to make and an enjoyable competitive mode to play, there’s a lot to like in this crime analysis.
Hidden Agenda proves that the PlayLink initiative can be taken advantage of in more than just casual party games, but this title doesn’t quite realize its full potential.
But still, this investigation is absolutely one worth experiencing.
#7. Gang Beasts

- Release Data: Boneloaf/Double Fine Productions, 2017
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
Gang Beasts never pretends to be a single-player experience; it’s a party game through and through.
While Gang Beasts is not the kind of game that will find its way into the eSports niche, players will still find a lot to love as they fight and fall and laugh at all the ways they succeed or fail.
#6. Frantics

- Release Data: NapNok Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2018
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
It might not be too innovative, but Frantics provides an enjoyable party experience that Sony’s PlayLink service has been lacking.
It certainly isn’t a killer app, but the fun variety of minigames and its responsive controls show how much of a good time PlayLink can provide when it’s properly used.
#5. Knowledge is Power

- Release Data: Wish Studios/Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2017
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
While it’s not as unique or charming as its predecessor, Knowledge Is Power is a solid, fun quiz game for when you’ve got friends or family around.
While it’s a little light on the actual quiz, the Power Plays allow for plenty of game-changing moments as everyone scrambles to wipe virtual goo off of their phones and answer first.
#4. The Jackbox Party Pack 2

- Release Data: Jackbox Games, Inc., 2015
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
Overall, The Jackbox Party Pack 2 is a great addition to any gaming collection.
Packing enough variety to keep different age groups entertained, this is an affordable set of games that are easy to organize since they don’t even require additional controllers.
What’s more, the games are really fun to play and memorable enough to make you want to come back.
#3. Werewolves Within

- Release Data: Ubisoft, 2016
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
Werewolves Within is an incredible social experience and the first online game to really make it feel like you are sitting around the campfire with seven other people.
The character animations are great and quite literally come to life through the voices and head movements of each player.
Overall, it is a must-have title for anyone who owns a VR headset.
#2. The Jackbox Party Pack 5

- Release Data: Jackbox Games, Inc., 2018
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
If you’re the type of person who loves to get a few friends round for drinks and snacks then once again The Jackbox Party Pack will provide you with a good time until everyone has to go, and as long as everyone has a good time then that’s all that matters.
#1. Sportsfriends

- Release Data: Die Gute Fabrik, 2014
- Genre: Casual » Party / Minigame
Sportsfriends is a party game for the type of people that appear in Nintendo Wii commercials – but real-life is never quite that perfect.
As such, this is a fun package, but one that will rely on the right kind of investment from your buddies if it’s to become the life and soul of your social gathering.
Browse PS4 Games By Genre
See also: Best PS Vita Games & Best Gaming Chairs
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which PS4 party/minigame game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!