We already published the list of best PS4 games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best PS4 action RPGs of all time.
With amazing titles available, the PS4 definitely has a great library of action RPGs.
So, if you’re a fan of both the PS4 and action RPGs, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#25. Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

- Release Data: QLOC/Bandai Namco Games, 2019
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition brings one of, if not the best Tales game to PS4, and that alone will no doubt be enough to persuade fans of the series.
It’s a borderline classic RPG, and one that still holds up in modern time thanks to a great cast of characters and some finely balanced action.
#24. Moonlighter

- Release Data: Digital Sun/11 bit studios, 2018
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Overall, Moonlighter is a charming game that invites you in with its adorable looking visuals and Zelda-like dungeon design, only to surprise you with an incredible strategic management system.
While the roguelike genre has been played to death with indie games at this point, Moonlighter takes on enough of an interesting twist to provide many hours of great dungeon crawling.
#23. Final Fantasy XV

- Release Data: Square Enix, 2016
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Although the game has its issues, there is a great world waiting to be explored.
The way you and your friends grow together is wonderful, and heading into battle with them adds weight to the whole campaign.
Overall, it’s a grand spectacle set in a beautifully designed world and there’s plenty to love about Final Fantasy XV.
#22. Kingdom Hearts III

- Release Data: Square Enix, 2019
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Kingdom Hearts 3 is not for the faint of heart, and is certainly not for someone whose knowledge on the series and its concepts is anything less than stellar.
But for someone who does take the series seriously though, and who refused to leave once things started taking a confusing turn, the payoff is more than worth it.
#21. Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds

- Release Data: Guerrilla/Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2017
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
The Frozen Wilds is a great DLC that takes the core game, makes some new additions, and gives player a reason to return to the world in great form.
There isn’t much here to really persuade anyone that wasn’t hugely into the main game, but that’s usually not the case for DLC additional content.
#20. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

- Release Data: ArtPlay/505 Games, 2019
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
It’s a meticulously crafted game that constantly rewards players for exploration and offers unbridled options in combat.
For long-time Metroidvania fans, Ritual of the Night is a celebration of the genre from the mind of one of its chief architects, while for newcomers it’s an accessible entry-point that’s easy to pick up and so difficult to put down.
#19. Transistor

- Release Data: Supergiant Games, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Transistor is always a good-looking game, but in these instances, it demonstrates a rare knack for combining its visuals and music to powerfully convey both narrative information and tone, driving the story forward.
So, in the end, Transistor is a fun action role-playing game with a neat combat system that makes this a must own for many.
#18. Dark Souls Remastered

- Release Data: From Software/Bandai Namco Games, 2018
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
There’s no doubt that Dark Souls Remastered is the best way to experience this game.
From updated graphics and lighting to the beautifully smooth and consistent performance, Dark Souls Remastered serves as a reminder that your nostalgia isn’t always deceiving you; sometimes games can be just as good as they were when you left them, given a slight polish.
#17. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA

- Release Data: Falcom, 2017
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana is an outstanding RPG that will easily capture the hearts of players.
And thanks to the success of the Trails series, Ys VIII’s storytelling received a remarkable improvement over its predecessors.
It’s not flawless, but that shouldn’t stop RPG players from missing out on one of the best Ys games in many years.
#16. Bloodborne: The Old Hunters

- Release Data: From Software/SCEE, 2015
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Known for both its hard difficulty and beautifully violent art, this DLC adds a hefty amount of content onto the original game.
The DLC takes place in a horrifying realm where dead monster hunters are sent; a sort of afterlife with no end.
Players must uncover the secrets, taking down giant bosses and upgrading their character to new levels of power.
#15. Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

- Release Data: Vanillaware/NIS America, 2016
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
This is a remaster of the original Odin Sphere game, a title that was praised for its interesting mechanics and style.
It mixes role-playing elements with standard action gameplay, playing out in a side-scrolling style.
There’s a healthy chunk of magic as well, as players are able to build up power to unleash devastating spells.
#14. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

- Release Data: From Software/Bandai Namco Games, 2015
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Like other games made by developer From Software, the second Dark Souls game is incredibly difficult.
This version of the game also revamps a lot of content, including visual quality, enemy AI, and more.
It also includes all of the extra content for the original game, which provides players with even more locations to explore and bosses to best.
#13. Horizon Zero Dawn

- Release Data: Guerrilla/Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2017
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
First thing first, “Robot Dinosaurs” should be everything you need to get excited about this game.
And most open-world games can feel kind of empty, but with Horizon Zero Dawn there is always something to do no matter where you are.
The story and characterization of Aloy are strong so there’s something for everyone to enjoy, but more importantly, “Robot Dinosaurs”.
#12. Nioh

- Release Data: Team Ninja/Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2017
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Similar to games like Bloodborne and Dark Souls, this game challenges the player, forcing them to become more skilled within combat.
Mostly set in the middle of a violent war, the levels are often busy and full of action.
There’s a cool element of the supernatural as well, as players encounter yokai littered throughout the world.
#11. NieR: Automata

- Release Data: PlatinumGames/Square Enix, 2017
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
The story of NieR is vastly complex.
In fact, in order to fully understand the narrative, you’ll have to play through the game multiple times.
If you’re interested in a story that will make you think, this is definitely a game for you.
It’s also a great treat for fans of the hack ‘n slash genre.
#10. Dark Souls III

- Release Data: From Software/Bandai Namco Games, 2016
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
This game is arguably the best entry in the series for newcomers, thanks to its improved combat and presentation.
Using mechanics from the developer’s previous game Bloodborne, fighting has never felt better or more reactive.
If you’re looking for a real challenge full of grotesque creatures, this is a great cap to the entire Dark Souls trilogy.
#9. Dragon Age: Inquisition

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
The third entry in the Dragon Age franchise, Inquisition builds upon the successes of its predecessors by offering bigger and better content.
Not only that, many factors of the game have been overhauled and improved, such as the romance mechanic and a greatly improved level of character customization.
#8. Monster Hunter: World

- Release Data: Capcom, 2018
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
In this addictive action title, players explore various fantasy environments while hunting down huge creatures.
To gain more power and strength, players must craft new armor and weapons by using resources gained from slaying beasts.
With literally hundreds of hours of content to experience, this is one PlayStation 4 game that’s worth the price of admission.
#7. Bastion

- Release Data: Supergiant Games, 2015
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
This action game has an addictive gameplay loop and an imaginative storytelling style, making it one of the coolest adventures on the PlayStation 4.
Playing as The Kid, you’ll travel through several levels filled with ghoulish creatures, blasting them down with a variety of weapons and special moves.
#6. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine

- Release Data: CD Projekt Red Studio/CD Projekt, 2016
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Praised for both its length and quality of content, this was an excellent final expansion for The Witcher 3.
This expansion adds a good layer of intrigue to the story, giving players an interesting and compelling murder to solve.
The combat remains masterfully crafted, with new pieces of armor and weapon upgrades to experiment with.
#5. Monster Hunter: World – Iceborne

- Release Data: Capcom, 2019
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
This expansion to Monster Hunter: World adds multiple areas, new weapons, Master Rank armor, and much more.
Over 30 new monsters are available to hunt, with the ability to tame and ride some select creatures available.
The new layered armor system allows for more customization of your hunter look, while also adding new leveling options for existing gear.
#4. Bloodborne

- Release Data: From Software/SCEI, 2015
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
There’s a solid emphasis on horror in Bloodborne, and it’s one of the best games that From Software has ever made.
Although it’s easier than the Dark Souls franchise, the level of difficulty is still quite high, offering a challenge for even the most seasoned of players.
Also, the addition of firearms adds an interesting change to combat.
#3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone

- Release Data: CD Projekt Red Studio/CD Projekt, 2015
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Like the main game, players will control Geralt, hunting viscous creatures with his dual swords.
The focus on characters and interesting dialogue is at an all-time high, matching the excellent combat with equally excellent world building.
Although there aren’t many radical changes, this expansion adds a great deal of quality content for fans of the original game.
#2. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition

- Release Data: Blizzard Entertainment, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
This entry in the popular Diablo franchise amps everything up, giving players more dungeons than ever before.
The Ultimate Evil Edition compiles the original game and all the extra content, and the pure amount of gameplay makes it a staggering deal.
Also, the constant supply of new weapons gives a consistent feeling of progression, making it incredibly hard to stop playing.
#1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

- Release Data: CD Projekt Red Studio/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, 2015
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Plainly put, this game will go down as one of the best role-playing games of all time.
The world is a benchmark for single-player RPGs, containing a huge explorable space ripe with engaging narratives.
There are various side activities to distract yourself from the critical path, and it’s easy to get lost in the world of The Witcher 3 for hours.
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See also: Best PS Vita Games & Best Gaming Chairs
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which PS4 action RPG is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!