We already published the list of best PSP games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best PSP puzzle games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the PSP definitely has a great library of puzzle games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the PSP and puzzle games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#25. Hot Brain

- Release Data: Creat Studios/Midway, 2007
- Genre: Puzzle » General
Hot Brain might not be as compelling as some of the brain training games that have already appeared on the Nintendo DS, but on the PSP, the genre isn’t nearly as crowded.
If you like the idea of mastering a handful of thought-provoking minigames and don’t have any grand expectations for multiplayer options, Hot Brain isn’t a bad choice.
#24. Luxor: The Wrath of Set

- Release Data: MumboJumbo, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » General
The PSP is home to several great puzzle games, not the least of which being Lumines, Mercury Meltdown, and Exit, and Luxor definitely doesn’t hold a candle to any of those as far as fun, style, or replayability is concerned.
But Luxor will probably offer you a few hours of fun, so, why not?
#23. Fading Shadows

- Release Data: Ivolgamus/Agetec, 2008
- Genre: Puzzle » Action
There’s a good deal to appreciate in Fading Shadows.
It’s an unusual concept that, at its best, is compelling.
Unfortunately, camera issues and poor level design choices pop up too frequently, upsetting the delicate balance of simple yet absorbing puzzle adventure gameplay that the game occasionally manages to achieve.
#22. Go! Sudoku

- Release Data: Sumo Digital/SCEE, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » Logic
GO! Sudoku is a good choice for those who want to learn how to play the game properly and also are sick of making mistakes and not being able to rub out pen marks.
Just don’t expect anything revolutionary in terms of presentation or modes.
#21. Gunpey

- Release Data: Q Entertainment/Namco Bandai Games, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » General
If Gunpey doesn’t quite offer the same slick marriage of play and presentation everyone loved in Lumines and its sequel, it’s still quite good in its own right.
Not only is it fun and challenging, but it’s got a crazy sense of style and a rewarding level of difficulty.
#20. Puzzle Guzzle

- Release Data: Irem, 2008
- Genre: Puzzle » General
Puzzle Guzzle is a good for gamers of all skill levels who love puzzlers, but it is not for those who play puzzle games casually.
Puzzle Guzzle is moderately hardcore and will take some time to learn; mastering it could take weeks or months.
But those who love the genre will like what these developers have created.
#19. PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient

- Release Data: Now Production/D3Publisher, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » General
PQ may fail as some sort of standardized test of your cognitive reasoning abilities, but those are admittedly some pretty lofty goals for a PSP puzzle game.
But, if you’re just looking for some deliberate and challenging puzzles, and you’re willing to look past an interface that is occasionally awkward, PQ is a fine fit.
#18. Bust-A-Move Deluxe

- Release Data: Taito Corporation, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » Matching
Bust-A-Move Deluxe has a few shortcomings, but the core Bust-A-Move magic is there, especially in multiplayer.
A little more care to the game’s overall presentation would have put this one over the top into true greatness, but as it stands this is a title that puzzle fans should consider, and Bust-A-Move fans should probably pick up.
#17. PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient

- Release Data: Now Production, 2007
- Genre: Puzzle » General
While PQ2 would’ve seemed more impressive were it not following Crush, another PSP puzzle game, it still stands on its own as a wholly capable puzzler.
While slicker presentation might’ve been nice, the game wisely focuses on the elements that are really important to the PQ experience, and it’s a more satisfying puzzle game for it.
#16. Carol Vorderman’s Sudoku

- Release Data: Empire Interactive, 2007
- Genre: Puzzle » Logic
Carol Vorderman’s Sudoku is a good game for the PSP that offers a ton of gameplay options to keep you busy in your free time.
If you’re simply looking for a Sudoku game to play on-the-go then look no further than Carol Vorderman’s Sudoku.
#15. Bomberman

- Release Data: Hudson, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » Action
Bomberman for the PSP is a good game for just about anyone.
Sure, it doesn’t take any chances with a proven formula, but for people who have fond memories of all the Bomberman games that have been released over the past few decades, this is a satisfying way to play some portable Bomberman.
#14. LocoRoco Midnight Carnival

- Release Data: SCE Japan Studio/SCEA, 2009
- Genre: Puzzle » General
While the title feels a bit disconnected from the franchise, LocoRoco is still a good game to play, assuming that you’re willing to put up with its frustrating difficulty curve.
If you’re looking to put your blob bouncing skills to the test, Midnight Carnival will provide you with more than enough challenge to keep you busy for a while.
#13. echoshift

- Release Data: SCEJ/SCEI, 2010
- Genre: Puzzle » Logic
The game’s sense of minimalist charm and gently sloping difficulty curve keep it familiar but improved in nearly every way over its spiritual predecessor.
If you’re looking to add a few more wrinkles to that grey matter of yours, echoshift is a perfect way to do it.
#12. Ultimate Block Party

- Release Data: Magicpot/Conspiracy Entertainment, 2005
- Genre: Puzzle » General
Ultimate Block Party is a fun and addictive puzzle game that will keep you entertained for five minutes or a couple of hours, depending on how much time you have.
It’s a refreshing change of pace since you can pick it up and get right into the thick of the action without plodding through a lot of tedious buildup.
#11. Archer Maclean’s Mercury

- Release Data: Awesome Studios/Ignition Entertainment, 2005
- Genre: Puzzle » General
Ultimately, Mercury is a very good puzzle game that mostly lives up to the strengths of its concept.
There are certainly some legitimate gripes to be lobbied against the game’s sometimes exclusionary difficulty level and lack of truly engaging multiplayer.
But regardless of these issues, there’s no denying the kind of quirky, addictive charm that Mercury‘s gameplay has to offer.
#10. Exit

- Release Data: Taito Corporation, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » General
Exit is inherently a very likable game. The premise and presentation are light and fun without being cute or cloying.
Puzzle fans will love Exit, and with its conventional side-scrolling platformer presentation, people who don’t think they like puzzle games may find themselves enjoying a puzzle game without even knowing it.
#9. Angry Birds

- Release Data: Abstraction Games/Chillingo, 2011
- Genre: Puzzle » Action
There’s no denying that Angry Birds is fun, but it could use polish—such as sharper visuals, a better control and smoother action.
It’s one of those games you could play for a few hours on a plane or obsess over on your couch.
#8. Lemmings

- Release Data: Team 17/SCEE, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » Action
The PSP version of Lemmings features an attractive visual update, while the control system has been adapted well to cope with the frantic pace of the game.
Players who are familiar with previous Lemmings will know exactly what to expect, but the game feels right at home on the PSP.
#7. Downstream Panic!

- Release Data: EKO Software/Atari SA, 2008
- Genre: Puzzle » General
Downstream Panic! is one hell of an impressive puzzle game.
It has a ton of characters, and you won’t find anything else that makes use of water like this on the system.
It can be incredibly challenging at times, though the clever level design rarely makes you feel like something is unsolvable.
Definitely a must-own for puzzle fans everywhere.
#6. Mercury Meltdown

- Release Data: Ignition Entertainment, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » General
Mercury Meltdown succeeds by addressing a lot of the things that went wrong with the original game and by not losing sight of what made the original game fun.
There simply aren’t many puzzle games on the PSP that are better than Mercury Meltdown.
#5. echochrome

- Release Data: SCE Japan Studio/SCEA, 2008
- Genre: Puzzle » Action
echochrome is a unique experience that’s easy to recommend. It is an innovative, challenging puzzler that plays with your perceptions and forces you to solve puzzles in unique, interesting ways.
The PS3 game is superior by virtue of its additional online features and sharper visuals, but no matter which version you choose, you won’t be disappointed.
#4. Lumines II

- Release Data: Q Entertainment/Buena Vista Games, 2006
- Genre: Puzzle » Matching
All of the new content and good-as-ever gameplay make Lumines II a great game and one that’s easy to recommend if you haven’t played the original.
But even if it doesn’t feel particularly fresh, Lumines II is a great game and one of the best games to hit the PSP.
#3. Blast Off

- Release Data: Halfbrick Studios, 2009
- Genre: Puzzle » General
If chasing high scores isn’t your thing, Blast Off might not be your game. However, Blast Off nails what a Mini should be.
The gameplay is simple, and there’s a lot to do.
It’s a PSP Mini that you can blaze through in your first few days of ownership or double back to every few weeks.
#2. Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords

- Release Data: Vicious Cycle/D3Publisher, 2007
- Genre: Puzzle » Matching
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords is a great game that will offer hours of playtime.
You will not want to let this game out of your hands because it is extremely addictive for anyone who gets their hands on it.
#1. Lumines

- Release Data: Q Entertainment/Bandai, 2005
- Genre: Puzzle » Matching
Lumines is the one puzzle game that everyone needs to play.
At the heart of Lumines is an ingenious design, which someone theoretically could have dreamed up years ago, but no one did until now.
You wouldn’t expect a game like this to incorporate most all of what’s good about gaming, but Lumines does all that.
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See also: Best PS2 Games & Best PS3 Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which PSP puzzle game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!