We already published the list of best PS1 games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best PS1 platform games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the PS1 definitely has a great library of platform games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the PS1 and platform games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#25. Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time

- Release Data: Behaviour Interactive/Infogrames, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time is a good, solid 3D game with the familiar camera and control quirks.
It’s a great game for Looney Tunes fans to pick up, since it has a lot of references to all the cartoons from their childhood and beyond.
There are better platform games out there, but Lost in Time is a good one.
#24. Mega Man X6

- Release Data: Capcom, 2001
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 2D
The graphics aren’t really even up to the standards set by older games in the series, and while the music is good, there aren’t any tracks that particularly stand out.
Despite these shortcomings, it’s still Mega Man, and the gameplay is still entertaining, making X6 an attractive package for hardcore Mega Man fans.
#23. Croc 2

- Release Data: Argonaut Games/Koei, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Croc 2 is a fun sequel overall. The visuals were better, and the added controls for this game is nice.
In the end, Croc 2 is a quality sequel, and one that is somewhat recommendable.
If you can overlook its flaws, you may find yourself having lots of fun with it.
#22. Walt Disney Pictures Presents: Tarzan

- Release Data: Eurocom/Konami, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 2D
While the game is not particularly mind-stumping or sophisticated, it is challenging and does require a good amount of skill, whether in jumping from place to place, knowing where hidden items might be, or fighting belligerent leopards.
Even if movie-license games turn you off, this game is an exception and worth taking a look at.
#21. Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove

- Release Data: Argonaut Games/SCEA, 2000
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Flaws aside, Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove gets much more right than it does wrong.
Casual players will take quick delight from the game’s varied stages, friendly difficulty level, and hilarious video snippets.
It’s pretty, it’s funny, and it’s pretty funny—the way a Disney game should be.
#20. Monsters, Inc. Scream Team

- Release Data: Artificial Mind and Movement/SCEE, 2001
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Like most of the platformer games being released for the PlayStation, Scream Team is intended for younger, more casual gamers.
The game is well produced enough, with an adequate soundtrack and colorful graphics, but the simplicity of the gameplay and the game’s relative shortness keeps Scream Team from being attractive to the more serious gamers.
#19. Mega Man X5

- Release Data: Capcom, 2001
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 2D
You shouldn’t get this game if you’re hoping to get something entirely new and innovative.
If you’re tired of Mega Man and are done with playing 2D games in general, this doesn’t have anything that will bring you back.
However, if you love Mega Man and 2D action games in general, this is a must-have title.
#18. Silhouette Mirage

- Release Data: Treasure/ESP Software, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 2D
The bottom line is that Silhouette Mirage is a brilliant 2D-action game that deserves a lot of praise.
With that said, this obviously isn’t a title for everyone.
There aren’t 3D worlds, breathtaking polygonal graphics, and countless other elements that many of today’s gamers are looking for in their games.
This is pure 2D action at its finest.
#17. Castlevania Chronicles

- Release Data: Konami, 2001
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 2D
Hardcore Castlevania fans will definitely appreciate the return to the classic gameplay style, but if your first encounter with Castlevania was Symphony of the Night, you’ll be disappointed by the dated graphics, static gameplay, and lack of replay value.
However, it’s still a decent game.
#16. Disney/Pixar’s Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!

- Release Data: Traveller’s Tales/Activision, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
In the end, the game is good. Whether you’ve seen the movie or not, Toy Story 2, as a game, stands on its own.
It’s not complicated or sexy; it’s just a fun, straightforward, nonlinear adventure game with puzzle and platform elements.
#15. Frogger 2: Swampy’s Revenge

- Release Data: Blitz Games/Hasbro Interactive, 2000
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Frogger 2 improves upon almost every aspect of its predecessor and provides an up-to-date version of the classic arcade game.
Overall, the game will appeal to players looking for fast, simple arcade action, and the many new twists on old puzzles will please fans of the original game.
#14. Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

- Release Data: Crystal Dynamics/Eidos Interactive, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Gex 3 is enough of an improvement over the last game that fans of the previous one should enjoy it even more, but with the leaps we’ve seen in 3D PlayStation platformers, it comes off feeling a bit dated.
In short, Gex has become a little more refined, but less original at the same time.
#13. Crash Bandicoot

- Release Data: Naughty Dog/SCEE, 1996
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Players may enjoy Crash Bandicoot purely as a test of jumping abilities.
Crash executes every type of jump ever seen in a platform game: short jumps, long jumps, short AND long jumps, quick jumps, jumps onto icy ledges, jumps onto tiny ledges, and so on.
Players looking for an old-school platform game with funny visual effects will certainly find it here.
#12. Pac-Man World

- Release Data: Namco, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
While the simple gameplay and cutesy premise may turn off some so-called hardcore gamers, anyone with an open mind would do well to pick up this offering.
Basically an unpretentious offering that hold its own as a platformer, Pac-Man World is a fun little game that goes beyond mere regurgitation.
This one is worthy of anyone’s library.
#11. Gex: Enter the Gecko

- Release Data: Crystal Dynamics, 1998
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Gex: Enter the Gecko should have been a much better game.
They certainly jacked enough concepts from Mario 64 to warrant a good game, but the atmosphere surrounding the gameplay really brings it down.
It’s a somewhat good and enjoyable game at its finest.
#10. Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return

- Release Data: Whoopee Camp, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 2D
Tomba 2 may be a repackaging of the original game, but it’s a slick and refined one at that.
Newcomers and fans of the original game are in for a treat, but not enough has changed to make the game attractive to those who didn’t like the original.
#9. Spyro the Dragon

- Release Data: Insomniac Games/SCEI, 1998
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Spyro the Dragon hasn’t aged perfectly, but it still feels solid and runs well.
If you can work past a few of the camera and repetition issues, you’ll have fun with Spyro and perhaps understand why it was considered such a phenomenal title all those years ago.
#8. Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage!

- Release Data: Insomniac Games/SCEA, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Spyro 2‘s addictive features show up early and keep on going right through to its excellent final boss level, creating a game that makes you actually want to acquire every single object and coin to see the alternate ending.
That’s rare to see, and something you really should attempt.
#7. Rayman 2: The Great Escape

- Release Data: Ubisoft, 2000
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Rayman 2 is one of the best platforming experiences available on the PlayStation.
As long as you’re not directly comparing it to the other versions of the game, the PlayStation Rayman 2 is an excellent, worthwhile game that is not only challenging, but is also rewarding.
#6. Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee

- Release Data: Oddworld Inhabitants/GT Interactive, 1997
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 2D
Unlike any number of platformers, Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee requires lots of thinking in solving its puzzles, which are well constructed and challenging, instead of cheap and frustrating.
Abe’s Oddysee really is the ideal platformer, balancing its action and puzzle elements perfectly to make the game intelligent, engaging, and, best yet, fun.
#5. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

- Release Data: Naughty Dog/SCEI, 1997
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Crash is back in a sequel that is so far superior to the original.
But this time, the game’s problems are balanced out by the game’s excellent gameplay and intelligent design.
In short, Crash Bandicoot 2 is a topnotch platform game. If you’re a fan of the genre, you owe it to yourself to check this title out.
#4. Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped

- Release Data: Naughty Dog/SCEI, 1998
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
In short, Crash Bandicoot 3 is easily the best Crash yet.
Every aspect of the game is better: new moves, levels, bosses, graphics, sound, and gameplay.
It’s the most fun 3D platform game in a long, long time. It’s a must-have for fans of platformers.
#3. Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus

- Release Data: Oddworld Inhabitants/Riverhillsoft, 1998
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 2D
In all, Abe’s Exoddus is a great example of how a game can stay true to its conceptual pursuit while still improving upon the original, all while keeping its soul intact.
If you loved the first one, you’ll like this game more. If you didn’t play the first one, you can start here.
#2. Ape Escape

- Release Data: SCE Japan Studio/SCEE, 1999
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
In short, Ape Escape is one of the PlayStation’s finest development efforts, one that shouldn’t be overlooked because of its silly storyline and title.
Underneath these lies one of the best 3D platformers to date, brimming with innovation, originality and fun.
#1. Spyro: Year of the Dragon

- Release Data: Insomniac Games/SCEE, 2000
- Genre: Action » Platformer » 3D
Spyro games have always been among the best looking on the PlayStation, and Year of the Dragon continues this tradition.
Spyro himself seems a bit more detailed than his previous incarnations, and the other characters are also well built and nicely animated.
In short, this is the best platformer for the PS1.
Browse PS1 Games By Genre
See also: Best Gaming Chairs & Best PS2 Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which PS1 platform game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!