We already published the list of best PC games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best PC MMORPGs of all time.
With amazing titles available, the PC gaming community will surely enjoy a great library of MMORPGs.
So, if you’re a PC gamer and love MMORPGs, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#25. Guild Wars Nightfall

- Release Data: ArenaNet/NCSOFT, 2006
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
It introduces several enhancements that make solo play more viable while still encouraging cooperative gameplay.
The option to group with a few players and supplement the remaining slots with AI-controlled Heroes proves to be a time-efficient alternative to waiting for a full group of human players.
Furthermore, the additional classes brings intriguing abilities to the table, particularly for long-time players.
#24. EverQuest II: Echoes of Faydwer

- Release Data: Sony Online Entertainment, 2006
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Undoubtedly, if you haven’t experienced EverQuest II, this expansion offers tremendous value.
However, even for existing players, Echoes of Faydwer delivers a plethora of fresh quests and captivating characters.
From graceful gliding fairies to intriguing ticking motorized monstrosities, the expansion introduces a diverse array of encounters.
#23. EverQuest: The Scars of Velious

- Release Data: Sony Online Entertainment, 2000
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
The expansion caters to a specific audience, serving as a test of skill and endurance for seasoned adventurers.
Its difficulty level and the richness of its rewards make it a fitting addition for those who are well-versed in the game’s mechanics and lore.
#22. Rift

- Release Data: Trion Worlds, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
While Rift has faced comparisons to World of Warcraft, it distinguishes itself by consciously steering clear of the pitfalls that have plagued other similar games.
So, if you’re looking a game that can captivate you and provide an alternative to Blizzard’s renowned behemoth, Rift might just be the ticket to draw you away.
#21. City of Heroes

- Release Data: Cryptic Studios/NCSOFT, 2004
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
If the concept of creating your own superhero and joining forces with like-minded allies to vanquish hordes of villains appeals to you, City of Heroes is the game that will fulfill that desire.
So, rest assured, if you seek a game that allows you to unleash your inner superhero and engage in thrilling adventures, City of Heroes will not disappoint.
#20. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning

- Release Data: EA Mythic/GOA, 2008
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Its streamlined gameplay and distinctive focus highlight the potential for continued improvements in the MMO genre and the existence of untapped niches.
While it may not appeal to everyone, Warhammer Online excels in its chosen area of PvP, providing a highly engaging and memorable experience for those who seek it.
#19. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

- Release Data: Blizzard Entertainment, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Warlords of Draenor introduces an expansive expansion to the World of Warcraft universe, expanding it in ways that were previously unimaginable.
While not every fan of the series may appreciate the new storyline, and newcomers might feel overwhelmed by the intricate narrative, the game offers a substantial amount of well-developed and enjoyable content to discover and explore.
#18. Guild Wars Factions

- Release Data: ArenaNet/NCSOFT, 2006
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Like in the first game, just the sheer number of things to see and do in Guild Wars Factions is quite amazing, and there are enough different styles of gameplay available that you’ll enjoy it.
In some ways this is an imposing, complicated game, but since it doesn’t punish you for experimenting, it’s really quite hard to resist.
#17. Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs

- Release Data: Mythic Entertainment, 2004
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Catacombs is an outstanding expansion that successfully addresses the need for solo and single-group content in Dark Age of Camelot.
While it may not introduce groundbreaking elements to the genre, it introduces much-needed upgrades to character models.
But ultimately, what matters most is personal enjoyment, and if you found pleasure in Catacombs, then that’s what truly matters.
#16. EverQuest: The Shadows of Luclin

- Release Data: Sony Online Entertainment, 2001
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
The impressive content of this expansion attracted players who were pleasantly surprised by EverQuest‘s enduring quality.
And while it may require a significant investment for newcomers, the expansion’s appeal is likely to draw them in and showcase the greatness of EverQuest even after all these years.
#15. Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood

- Release Data: Square Enix, 2017
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Stormblood is an exceptional expansion that impresses on multiple levels.
Its well-crafted story, intense battles, introduction of new classes, and stunning zones combine to create an experience that is difficult to put into words without spoiling its greatness.
In the end, it’s an expansion that truly needs to be experienced firsthand to fully appreciate its excellence.
#14. The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria

- Release Data: Turbine Inc., 2008
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Mines of Moria, the expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online, offers a substantial increase in content and successfully captures the epic essence of Khazad-Dum.
The world design and visual style are particularly impressive, and veteran players seeking adventures in Middle-Earth will find plenty to enjoy.
#13. The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar

- Release Data: Turbine Inc./Midway, 2007
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
If you’re not a fan of MMORPGs, it’s unlikely that Shadows of Angmar will change your opinion.
The game follows a similar gameplay model to other titles like EverQuest and World of Warcraft.
However, if you enjoy the MMORPG genre, Shadows of Angmar offers a lot to appreciate.
#12. World of Warcraft: Legion

- Release Data: Blizzard Entertainment, 2016
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Legion is an expansion that caters to World of Warcraft‘s dedicated fanbase, as well as lapsed players and newcomers alike.
Blizzard’s exemplary work showcases why World of Warcraft has remained the top MMO for so long, with few other games surpassing it.
In the end, Blizzard continues to set the standard in the industry.
#11. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

- Release Data: Square Enix, 2015
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
While it may not bring radical changes to A Realm Reborn, its captivating story and fresh locations breathe new life into the game, reaffirming its position as one of the top MMOs available.
Overall, Heavensward showcases why Final Fantasy XIV remains a standout title in the genre.
#10. EverQuest

- Release Data: Sony Online Entertainment/Ubisoft, 1999
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Despite its shortcomings such as monotonous combat, a subpar manual, a half-baked quest system, and occasional bugs, the game truly shines when you find like-minded adventurers to embark on memorable gaming experiences together.
Exploring the vast world, battling monsters, and escaping imminent danger become immensely enjoyable with companions by your side.
Undeniably, it stands as the best game of its kind.
#9. Dark Age of Camelot

- Release Data: Mythic Entertainment, 2001
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
The game can feel barren at times, and its time-consuming nature can lead to frustration when faced with challenges like getting lost or encountering disorganized groups.
However, despite the trials and tribulations, Dark Age of Camelot offers a life worth living in its realms.
#8. EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

- Release Data: Sony Online Entertainment, 2000
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Back then, EverQuest players were encouraged to upgrade, as The Ruins of Kunark demonstrated that the game has improved and remains the best online role-playing game available at the time.
And despite its initial setbacks, it showcased EverQuest at its finest, solidifying its position as a top-notch gaming experience.
#7. Guild Wars

- Release Data: ArenaNet/NCSOFT, 2005
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
This game is packed with content, pulling out all the stops to impress players.
Whether you’re exploring the vast world or battling monsters, Guild Wars will keep you entertained for hours on end.
It’s a true testament to what a well-crafted game can be.
#6. Guild Wars 2

- Release Data: ArenaNet/NCSOFT, 2012
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
Guild Wars 2 is a remarkable MMORPG that exceeds its predecessor in every aspect.
Its world is vast and immersive, and its gameplay is both addicting and engaging.
But what sets Guild Wars 2 apart from other MMORPGs is its emphasis on personal narratives that are tailored to each character, all set against a visually stunning backdrop.
#5. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers

- Release Data: Square Enix, 2019
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
It seems that despite its imperfections, Shadowbringers manages to excel as an expansion for Square Enix’s MMORPG.
The world feels alive and immersive, with detailed environments and challenging bosses that add to the overall sense of grandiosity.
Overall, Shadowbringers remains a must-play for fans of the game and newcomers alike.
#4. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

- Release Data: Blizzard Entertainment, 2010
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
In the end, though, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is a fantastic expansion pack.
It discarded a lot of the easy gameplay elements introduced in the previous expansion and instead requires players to put in effort to obtain the best gear.
Additionally, the expansion offers quests that redefine the expectations of what an MMO can deliver.
#3. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

- Release Data: Blizzard Entertainment, 2007
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
If you’ve already spent a considerable amount of time immersed in World of Warcraft, then you’ll have a good idea of what to expect from its first expansion pack, The Burning Crusade.
While it’s true that some of the quests may feel like a grind, it remains a noteworthy expansion that enhances the game’s overall experience.
#2. World of Warcraft

- Release Data: Blizzard Entertainment, 2004
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
World of Warcraft stands as a remarkable achievement that can truly make players feel privileged to be part of the gaming community.
It manages to strike a delicate balance between delivering an exceptional gaming experience and respecting the players’ life—that is, if they have any, of course.
#1. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

- Release Data: Blizzard Entertainment, 2008
- Genre: Role-Playing » Massively Multiplayer
This expansion is considered one of the best World of Warcraft expansions, as it introduces tons of new content and adds some quality features as well.
It also raises the overall level cap from 70 to 80, allowing players to gain more skills and powers.
Basically, this expansion gave the game a hefty boost in popularity.
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Deciding which PC MMORPG is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!