We already published the list of best DS games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best DS western RPGs of all time.
With amazing titles available, the DS definitely has a great library of western RPGs.
So, if you’re a fan of both the DS and western RPGs, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#5. Orcs & Elves

- Release Data: Fountainhead Entertainment/Electronic Arts, 2007
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
You will probably enjoy following the story of this game because there’s enough of a challenge in solving the puzzle of each level to stop it from becoming mindless wandering/killing whilst remaining simple enough that you can play it without your full attention.
#4. Etrian Odyssey

- Release Data: Atlus, 2007
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
Etrian Odyssey doesn’t do anything particularly astonishing with the turn-based RPG formula, but it takes many of the best tried-and-true elements from the genre and executes upon them extremely well.
If you’ve got the time and patience for it, as well as a remaining interest in the formula, you’ll definitely want to pick this one up.
#3. Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City

- Release Data: Atlus, 2010
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
New character classes and ocean exploration serve to augment the standard formula, while keeping the soul of the experience intact.
There’s a lot of honest challenge here, and while the grinding and gathering can wear thin, there are enough moments of gratifying triumph to compel you onward.
#2. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

- Release Data: Atlus, 2010
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
All of the systems are simple enough to grasp for the handheld gamer, but are deep enough to be incredibly worthwhile.
Atlus has struck a great balance with Strange Journey, and they’ve crafted a game that’s more than addictive.
There’s not much about the game that’s new, but that doesn’t keep the gameplay from being absolutely fantastic.
#1. Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard

- Release Data: Atlus, 2008
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
As long as you’re not afraid of a game that’ll hold you by the throat and slap you around every now and again, this game is one of the deeper, more gratifying role-playing experiences you’ll find for the Nintendo DS.
Browse DS Games By Genre
See also: Best GameCube Games & Best Wii Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which DS western RPG is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!