We already published the list of best DS games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best DS visual novel games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the DS definitely has a great library of visual novel games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the DS and visual novel games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#10. Lux-Pain

- Release Data: Killaware/Rising Star Games, 2009
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
The game’s visuals and score are on the whole reasonably impressive and work to create a convincing and fluid world.
The gameplay is relatively simple and involves quite minimalist interaction: the game truly plays like a visual novel and therefore may not be for everyone.
#9. Again: Interactive Crime Novel

- Release Data: Cing/Tecmo, 2010
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
Again is a combination of various things, from crime shows to adventure games, but it seemingly takes the bad parts of all of them.
As it is, the game isn’t up to scratch as either a book or a game, and combining the two has done it no favors.
#8. LifeSigns: Surgical Unit

- Release Data: Spike, 2007
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
LifeSigns: Surgical Unit is a surprisingly good game.
The main character is likeable, the other characters are suitably interesting, the surgical gameplay is a success, and some of the branching paths are cool.
It does stumble in a few areas, but it is a suitable adventure for the Nintendo DS, and an operation worth undergoing.
#7. Time Hollow

- Release Data: Tenky/Konami, 2008
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
Those who place a value of gameplay over storyline above all else will find Time Hollow a shallow and sometimes empty experience, yet in some ways they would be missing the point.
This is a game that focuses tightly on character development and a gripping storyline exploring time travel that is hard to stop experiencing until the end sequence.
#6. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice for All

- Release Data: Capcom, 2007
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
Fans of the original game will certainly enjoy the sequel, but even they will probably feel somewhat let down.
If you’ve never played a Phoenix Wright game before, the first game is clearly the better of the two, so you’ll want to start there before picking up Justice for All.
#5. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

- Release Data: Capcom, 2008
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
The gameplay and static looks of Apollo Justice are just as we’ve seen them before, and the music is both familiar and new, but Apollo Justice retains a lot of the charm Phoenix Wright held before it, and adds to the series’ legacy.
#4. Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

- Release Data: Capcom, 2010
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
The Ace Attorney games are popular for a reason.
With fantastic writing, clever jokes, and genuinely interesting stories, they’re easily among the best adventure titles around.
Although referred to by some as a spin-off, Miles Edgeworth still has practically the exact same gameplay as all previous games, just with added investigating.
#3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations

- Release Data: Capcom, 2007
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations brings this three-game story arc to a satisfying conclusion.
If you’ve played and loved the first two Phoenix Wright games you’ll be plenty happy with Trials and Tribulations. It’s a good game. Case Closed.
#2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

- Release Data: Capcom, 2005
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
This is a game of wit and humor that appreciates the player’s intelligence and greatly rewards their accomplishments.
It is full of moments where you will marvel at your achievements or cringe as your case starts to fall down around you.
These moments are what makes Ace Attorney highly impressive for a point and click adventure with still visuals.
#1. Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors

- Release Data: ChunSoft/Spike, 2010
- Genre: Adventure » Visual Novel
999 is stunning.
It sports a captivating plot driven by a fantastic cast of characters, a satisfying mix of puzzles and interesting mathematical, scientific and philosophical quandaries to ponder.
The game more than makes up for its imperfections, however, and in the end, it creates a truly gripping, great experience that you owe it to yourself to try.
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See also: Best GameCube Games & Best Wii Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which DS visual novel game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!