We already published the list of best PS3 games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best PS3 RPGs of all time.
With amazing titles available, the PS3 definitely has a great library of RPGs.
So, if you’re a fan of both the PS3 and RPGs, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#25. Dragon Age II

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
A lot of improvements were made to the systems running the game, including, a better graphics, and a streamlined interface for combat.
This game is all about character development and keeping you invested in the story because you want to know what will happen to the underdog and his friends, soldiering on despite the odds being stacked against them.
#24. Dungeon Defenders

- Release Data: Trendy Entertainment, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Dungeon Defenders is a hybrid style tower defense game.
What makes this game unique is the great blend of RPG elements, tower defense, and 3rd person action.
With four different character classes that persist over your account and separate character pools for ranked and casual play, there is a ton of content for you to enjoy.
#23. Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2010
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
The story is epic in scope without overshadowing the cast of characters, moreover, the depth of the combat has yet to be topped by similar RPGs.
With a huge chunk of choices that affect the final outcome of the game, there are hundreds of hours to enjoy and new things to discover.
#22. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

- Release Data: Big Huge Games/Electronic Arts, 2012
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is a great mashup of Skyrim and the Fable series.
And since one of the studios responsible for the game has shuttered its doors, it’s a shame that there will probably be no sequel, so that makes it a unique RPG that you need to play if you get the chance.
#21. Dark Souls II: Crown of the Old Iron King

- Release Data: From Software/Namco Bandai Games, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Crown of the Old Iron King is a DLC to Dark Souls II and adds a new section to explore and a new mystery to uncover.
It’s been lauded as one of the hardest additions to Dark Souls II and if you love the Souls series because of its high level of challenge, you’ll want to check out this DLC.
#20. Dark Souls II: Crown of the Sunken King

- Release Data: Namco Bandai Games/Bandai Namco Games, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
This is another DLC to Dark Souls II, adding another area to explore and history to discover.
Crown of the Sunken King is like Blight Town on steroids, and any veteran knows to quake in fear at the mention of that place.
More Dark Souls and more bosses equal more fun to those brave enough to face the challenge.
#19. Eternal Sonata

- Release Data: Tri-Crescendo/Bandai Namco Games, 2008
- Genre: Role-Playing » Japanese-Style
Eternal Sonata is a truly unique experience even for a JRPG, a genre that’s renowned for quirky and crazy stories.
The gameplay is centered around a traditional RPG turn-based battle system blended with an action-oriented phase after an initial tactical phase.
With an engrossing narrative and clever battle mechanics, Eternal Sonata is a game well worth picking up.
#18. Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky

- Release Data: Gust, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Japanese-Style
This title is a fun character-driven RPG with central mechanics based on creating and refining items to create something to explore the ruins.
With an addictive gameplay loop and compelling personal narrative, this part of the Atelier franchise is a worthy addition and has been enjoyed by fans of JRPGs for years.
#17. Dragon’s Crown

- Release Data: Vanillaware/Atlus, 2013
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Dragon’s Crown is a gorgeously animated 2D brawler/RPG hybrid and games of this type aren’t common anymore and that makes it stand out.
The art style and simple gameplay make this a fun little outing that you can take on in bite-sized chunks or marathon.
Overall, it’s fun, fast-paced and surprisingly deep.
#16. Fallout: New Vegas

- Release Data: Obsidian Entertainment/Bethesda Softworks, 2010
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
Fallout: New Vegas is arguably one of the most beloved entries in the Fallout franchise, and for good reason.
The story and its branching paths give the game immense replayability and the conflict raging across the Mojave between multiple factions gives you plenty to do and lots to discover.
#15. Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland

- Release Data: Gust, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Japanese-Style
Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland is a mashup of storytelling and game mechanics.
It has traditional RPG elements, a crafting system, and visual novel storytelling.
Between the combat, the personal story, and the addictive crafting elements, you’ll have a game that will suck you in and keep you invested.
#14. Final Fantasy XIII

- Release Data: Square Enix, 2010
- Genre: Role-Playing » Japanese-Style
All the characters are well thought out and each has a compelling part to play in the plot and it’s fun to watch them interact together.
When you combine all that with the amazing graphics and you get hours of fun that are a feast to the eyes and a joy to play.
#13. South Park: The Stick of Truth

- Release Data: Obsidian Entertainment/Ubisoft, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » General
Unlike most South Park games, however, this one was written by the comedy duo responsible for the TV series.
And even if you aren’t caught up with the series it’s still funny and takes shots at the tropes of RPGs while also being a tightly designed one on top of it.
#12. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel

- Release Data: Falcom, 2015
- Genre: Role-Playing » Japanese-Style
With a deep story filled with compelling characters and an enjoyable combat system that rewards exploring the relationships with your classmates, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel is a great game that will keep you interested from beginning to end.
If you like a good story and rich combat you’ll definitely enjoy this game.
#11. Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

- Release Data: Capy Games/Ubisoft, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » General
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes is a turn-based strategy RPG that has a special blend of tactical, puzzle and RPG systems.
With a straightforward accessible story and fun gameplay, you explore maps, fight enemies in grid-based strategy combat and learn how to stop the oncoming demon hoard from taking over the world.
#10. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

- Release Data: Level 5, 2013
- Genre: Role-Playing » Japanese-Style
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is an RPG that combines traditional turn-based combat with the familiar system.
With its surprisingly deep combat system and its cutscenes animated by the famous Studio Ghibli, there’s a beautifully rendered world to explore.
#9. Diablo III

- Release Data: Blizzard Entertainment, 2013
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Diablo III is a continuation of Blizzard’s hit franchise and has made a lot of refinements to the formula.
The console has a streamlined interface and has simplified leveling to make this the most accessible entry yet.
With multiple skills to unlock, character classes to play, and mountains of sweet loots to gather there’s a multitude of reasons to keep playing.
#8. Dragon Age: Origins

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2009
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
Dragon Age: Origins is a spectacular western-style RPG from Bioware and launched the popular franchise.
Most importantly every decision you make has an impact on the ending of the story and these world-shaking choices will follow you on to the sequels.
With a game world and characters so well developed, it’s hard not to recommend it to people who enjoy RPGs.
#7. Dark Souls

- Release Data: From Software, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Dark Souls is the first game in the cult hit series.
The game is well known for its challenging combat, unique storytelling, rewarding exploration, and deep lore.
It’s an acquired taste, but once you feel the thrill of victory, you won’t look at games the same way again.
#6. Dark Souls II

- Release Data: From Software/Namco Bandai Games, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Dark Souls II is the sequel to the original Dark Souls, and it doesn’t pull any punches.
Combat is just as challenging and rewarding as the original with expanded character building options.
The land you roam is richly detailed and the lore is just as well crafted, moreover the bosses are epic and require all your finely tuned skills to master.
#5. Demon’s Souls

- Release Data: From Software/SCEI, 2009
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Demon’s Souls is the first game that the team who created Dark Souls developed, and the combat in this is just as difficult as the rest of the Souls franchise.
If you are a fan of Dark Souls, you owe it to yourself to play this game if you get the chance.
#4. Fallout 3

- Release Data: Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda Softworks, 2008
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
Fallout 3 is the first entry in the franchise made by Bethesda, and they moved the game from an isometric turn-based RPG into a full 3D first-person action.
The cherry on top is the amazing vocal performances by Liam Neeson, Malcolm McDowell, and franchise veteran Ron Pearlman.
#3. Mass Effect 3

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2012
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Mass Effect 3 is a thrilling conclusion to the mainline Mass Effect series.
The third game takes all the decisions that you’ve made throughout the previous games to determine the state of the game world and how your decisions affect your relationships with your crew.
You can’t miss the end of such an iconic series.
#2. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

- Release Data: 4J Studios/Bethesda Softworks, 2007
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is an amazing game.
It really makes a town come alive when you can see the people going shopping, blowing off steam at the inn or deftly picking pockets in a crowded marketplace.
No playthrough will be the same, and there’s enough content to keep you finding new things every time you play.
#1. Mass Effect 2

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Mass Effect 2 is the sequel to the original Mass Effect, and it took great strides toward making the franchise more inviting to new players without sacrificing the science fiction story that was set up in the original.
If you haven’t played this yet, you should do yourself a favor and pick it up.
Browse PS3 Games By Genre
See also: Best PSP Games & Best PS Vita Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which PS3 RPG is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!