We already published the list of best PS3 games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best PS3 matching puzzle games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the PS3 definitely has a great library of matching puzzle games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the PS3 and matching puzzle games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#5. Bejeweled 2

- Release Data: PopCap, 2009
- Genre: Puzzle » Matching
Games like Bejeweled 2 live or die based on their addictive qualities.
This particular outing has no reason to worry; it delivers the goods just as it always has.
It’s addictive fun, complete with trophies and custom soundtracks, resulting in a decent package that’s made even better by the opportunity to replace the generic music with selections from your own library.
#4. Zuma

- Release Data: PopCap/Oberon Media, 2009
- Genre: Puzzle » Matching
Though Zuma is pretty fun, you really do need fast reaction times to process everything that is going on.
It does not do anything different, but with the abundance of maps and the amount of replay value, this game for anyone who likes challenging, fast-paced puzzle games.
#3. Puzzle Quest: Galactrix

- Release Data: Infinite Interactive/D3Publisher, 2009
- Genre: Puzzle » Matching
Because of the brilliant layout of the battle field, it really does feel like you’re piloting a spaceship, despite the puzzle-based gameplay.
Overall, it’s nice to discover that Puzzle Quest’s science fiction make-over isn’t entirely cosmetic–it really does improve the feel of the game overall.
#2. Lumines Supernova

- Release Data: Q Entertainment, 2008
- Genre: Puzzle » Matching
Lumines Supernova retains the brilliantly charming gameplay that can turn puzzle junkies and newcomers alike into addicted insomniacs.
The refreshing skins and songs are excellent, and with so many ways to play, there’s practically limitless replay value here.
Overall, Lumines Supernova is a great puzzle package for the PS3.
#1. Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

- Release Data: Backbone Entertainment/Capcom, 2007
- Genre: Puzzle » Matching
The Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix does more than just gratify your sense of nostalgia.
However, it’s a shame the characters didn’t get a little graphical-update love, but it’s hard to argue with Puzzle Fighter‘s gameplay.
Overall, it plays well and has enough options to keep you interested for a good amount of time.
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See also: Best PSP Games & Best PS Vita Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which PS3 matching puzzle game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!