We already published the list of best GBA games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best GBA action-adventure games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the GBA definitely has a great library of action-adventure games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the GBA and action-adventure games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#25. Teen Titans

- Release Data: Artificial Mind and Movement/Majesco, 2005
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
Despite the entertaining design and gameplay on its surface, Teen Titans simply a little bit hard to recommend.
This is obviously geared towards kids, but even with that in mind it is hard to look passed the flaws that seem to be around every corner.
Teen Titans is a perfect example of a great concept with mediocre execution.
#24. Classic NES Series: Metroid

- Release Data: Nintendo, 2004
- Genre: Action Adventure » Open-World
Classic NES Series: Metroid is a true Nintendo classic and is still a great game, but it’s just absolutely mind-boggling why the company opted to bring this one out instead of something else.
The only reason to play this game is if you simply want to complete the Classic NES collection.
#23. Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World

- Release Data: Ubisoft, 2005
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
Ultimately, what you get out of Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World will depend mainly on what you expect from it.
If you expect a good movie tie-in that also happens to be a competent action-adventure game, then you should be more than satisfied.
#22. LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy

- Release Data: Amaze Entertainment/LucasArts, 2006
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
Those that crave a portable Star Wars fix should be satisfied with the GBA version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.
It may not be as slick as its console counterparts, but it’s still manages to be a solid action-adventure game.
#21. Lara Croft – Tomb Raider: The Prophecy

- Release Data: Ubisoft Milan/Ubisoft, 2002
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
All things considered, Tomb Raider: The Prophecy delivers the full Tomb Raider experience with no compromises.
The quest itself is a bit short, even at 28 levels, but it is the kind of game that you can replay over and over again and still enjoy.
#20. Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force

- Release Data: Ubisoft, 2004
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
The game is fun to a point, but then it starts getting repetitive really early in the level progression.
The mini-game missions add to the variety, but they’re so basic that it just doesn’t feel like they’re enough to make the entire package seem complete.
However, if you’re a fan of the franchise, this game will do.
#19. Monster House

- Release Data: Artificial Mind and Movement/THQ, 2006
- Genre: Action Adventure » Survival
If you enjoyed the Monster House movie, you’re bound to enjoy the Monster House video game for the GBA.
And even if you haven’t seen the movie, you might like the game anyway, especially if you like an action-adventure game mixed with a little bit of horror.
#18. Tron 2.0: Killer App

- Release Data: Digital Eclipse/Buena Vista Interactive, 2004
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
It’s pretty clear that the developer knows what makes the Tron property cool, because they’ve incorporated a ton of that cool factor in Tron 2.0: Killer App.
There are some quirks throughout the entire production, but even with the minor problems this is a very good extension of the Disney property, and definitely worth picking up.
#17. Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

- Release Data: Ubisoft, 2004
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
If you enjoyed the previous Splinter Cell GBA game, then this one can be recommended, since it’s got some decent new mechanics and seems to assume that you’re already experienced with the gameplay.
This GBA sequel is an enjoyable, challenging stealth game that won’t be a simple task to complete.
#16. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

- Release Data: Griptonite Games/Square EA, 2001
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
While visually and aurally sound, and at times impressive, Harry Potter’s GBA debut is neither innovative nor particularly compelling from a gameplay perspective.
This game would make a decent casual game, but if you’re a diehard fan of the franchise, then you should definitely give it a try.
#15. Dexter’s Laboratory: Deesaster Strikes!

- Release Data: Virtucraft/Bam Entertainment, 2001
- Genre: Action Adventure » Linear
At times the game can feel pretty repetitive, but for the most part it’s entertaining.
The developer could have gone a bit more over the top to make catching Dee Dee more rewarding.
If you’re a fan of the cartoon and you want to spend some time with a familiar theme, you’ll probably want to pick up this game.
#14. Juka and the Monophonic Menace

- Release Data: Orbital Media, Inc./SouthPeak Games, 2006
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
Juka and the Monophonic Menace is one of the simpler games on the GBA.
As such, it’s a good way to introduce younger or inexperienced players to the genre, but it’s not the sort of game you’re going to want to pick up after completing The Legend of Zelda or Metroid.
#13. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

- Release Data: Magic Pockets/Electronic Arts, 2005
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
Hardcore Potter fanatics may find some redeeming value in collecting all the cards and exploring the levels, but if you haven’t submitted an application to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you will probably find a better action-adventure game suited to you in this list.
#12. Grand Theft Auto

- Release Data: Digital Eclipse/Rockstar Games, 2004
- Genre: Action Adventure » Open-World
This 2D GBA design, at the very least, vastly improves on the originals, and fixes the game so much that it’s now a great, recommended open world title.
All in all, bringing the classic GTA gameplay back is a neat idea, and if you’re a hardcore fan of GTA, give this one a try.
#11. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

- Release Data: Ubisoft, 2005
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith for the GBA is fun to play and accurately follows the events and characters from the film.
The game’s biggest drawback is that it doesn’t take much time to complete.
All told, this is one of those games that’s good for the weekend.
#10. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

- Release Data: Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft, 2003
- Genre: Action Adventure » Linear
In all, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a decent handheld conversion of a console game.
It maintains the game’s plot and core mechanics, but converts them to a 2D side-scrolling adventure game.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time can be recommended to fans of the series as well as anybody looking a quality adventure game.
#9. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

- Release Data: Amaze Entertainment/Buena Vista Games, 2006
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
While the PSP and DS versions of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest seem mostly stick to the the movie, the GBA version takes a far more interesting route and lets you just be a pirate, which is an exciting promise indeed.
Overall, Dead Man’s Chest is definitely better than the previous Pirates of the Caribbean game.
#8. Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell

- Release Data: Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft, 2003
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
There are a few unlockable bonus missions in the game, and more can be unlocked by linking up the GBA and GameCube versions.
Splinter Cell for the GBA is ultimately a good effort at trying to capture the original game’s suspenseful gameplay in a 2D side scroller as well as a pretty faithful adaptation of Splinter Cell‘s original design.
#7. LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game

- Release Data: Griptonite Games/Eidos Interactive, 2005
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
As Star Wars games go, Lego Star Wars on the GBA is one of the better ones.
It’s faithful to the characters and storylines from the movies, and it’s also a solid hack-and-slash action-adventure with a good variety of characters and levels.
#6. Classic NES Series: The Legend of Zelda

- Release Data: Nintendo, 2004
- Genre: Action Adventure » Open-World
The Legend of Zelda series has been one of Nintendo’s most active since its domestic introduction back in 1987.
Though the game is old and has been followed up by plenty of other, deeper games in the series, The Legend of Zelda still holds up quite well.
Definitely a must-have.
#5. Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand

- Release Data: KCEJ/Konami, 2003
- Genre: Action Adventure » General
This stealth game made interesting use of a fancy solar sensor built right into the cartridge.
Since Django’s weapon is powered by the sun, you have to charge your weapons by exposing the GBA to direct sunlight.
It’s a fun game with a quirky use of the light sensor, and there’s nothing quite like it in the GBA library.
#4. Metroid: Zero Mission

- Release Data: Nintendo, 2004
- Genre: Action Adventure » Open-World
The game looks, sounds, and plays absolutely wonderfully, and fits perfectly within the franchise.
It’s blast from start to finish, though, and it is a Metroid game: a second or third time through will uncover different endings.
So while it’s a somewhat weak one-shot experience, digging deeper after it’s done is where much of the reward comes from.
#3. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

- Release Data: Flagship/Nintendo, 2005
- Genre: Action Adventure » Open-World
The game easily lives up to its predecessors, with enough questing and variety to keep you entertained for the duration of its storyline and beyond.
Whether or not this game represents the end of an era for this hallowed franchise, it’s a superb game in its own right that any fan of Zelda shouldn’t be without.
#2. Metroid Fusion

- Release Data: Nintendo, 2002
- Genre: Action Adventure » Open-World
Metroid Fusion is a brilliant continuation of the 2D series, pulling most of the successful ideas from the previous adventures while adding new elements unique to this game’s design.
And like the previous games in the series, Metroid Fusion features an incredibly well-structured design that a second play through to beat the previously acquired time.
#1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

- Release Data: Nintendo, 2002
- Genre: Action Adventure » Open-World
In this new release, you get a great handheld port of one of the greatest games ever released for Nintendo’s 16-bit system.
The game brought the classic NES series up to the standards of the day, adding plenty of new gameplay elements while still maintaining the same basic feel of the original action adventure game.
Browse GBA Games By Genre
See also: Best GBC Games & Best GameCube Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which GBA action-adventure game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!