We already published the list of best Xbox 360 games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best Xbox 360 point and click games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the Xbox 360 definitely has a great library of point and click games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the Xbox 360 and point and click games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#10. The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 3 – In Harm’s Way

- Release Data: Telltale Games, 2014
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
In Harm’s Way is a gameplay-light setup episode that mostly positions the characters for the conclusion of the season, but it also descends to new depths while exploring just how far Clementine and her allies are willing to go to stay alive.
#9. The Walking Dead: Episode 4 – Around Every Corner

- Release Data: Telltale Games, 2012
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
There is no doubt there are times that Episode 4 does feel a little stale, and frankly the combat sequences do come up short, but at the end of the day fans of the previous three episodes will walk away dying to find out what happens in the final installment.
#8. The Walking Dead: Episode 1 – A New Day

- Release Data: Telltale Games, 2012
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
The Walking Dead: The Game is off to a great start with A New Day.
It has a believable cast of characters and a great look.
Sure, the puzzles some adventure gamers love are missing, but as an introductory hook to the five-episode series, The Walking Dead Episode 1 has just about everything fans could want.
#7. Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge

- Release Data: LucasArts, 2010
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
There’s something for everyone in Monkey Island 2 Special Edition.
Fans will appreciate the colorful commentary from the franchise creators and unlockable art gallery, while those intimidated by the adventure games of the past will find comfort in the simplified controls, object highlighting and hint system.
#6. The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5 – Cry Wolf

- Release Data: Telltale Games, 2014
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5 – Cry Wolf has plenty of influences from different genres of writing and various forms of media, but this storyline is truly its own.
Fans will enjoy the exciting ending for the series that leaves enough questions, but there are enough loose ends tied up so that fans will love the finale either way.
#5. The Walking Dead: Episode 2 – Starved for Help

- Release Data: Telltale Games, 2012
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
Starved for Help is a great second episode in Telltale’s Walking Dead franchise.
The story borrows much from the graphic novels and is predictable even if you haven’t read them, and the performance issues cause some grief, but this is an excellent adventure that needs to be played by every horror fan.
#4. The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition

- Release Data: LucasArts, 2009
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
Playing this adventure will take you back to a simpler, more innocent time before games use ultra violence elements to get our attention.
The Special Edition doesn’t offer any new gameplay, so its appeal may be limited if you’ve already been initiated.
But if you’ve never seen a three-headed monkey, get this now.
#3. The Walking Dead: Episode 5 – No Time Left

- Release Data: Telltale Games, 2012
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
No Time Left provides a fulfilling sense of closure to this first series of Walking Dead episodes, even while it strays from the story and characters that were developed in the earlier episodes.
The whole game features memorable characters, countless scenes packing big emotional punches, and plenty of horror, so it has to be highly recommended.
#2. The Walking Dead: Episode 3 – Long Road Ahead

- Release Data: Telltale Games, 2012
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
The emotional weight of your choices makes it a tough game to play in many ways, but also an extremely rewarding one that, like the comics, uses the undead to define what it means to be alive.
It’s a disturbing, depressing and entertaining entry in a journey that’s been nothing short of excellent.
#1. The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series

- Release Data: Telltale Games, 2012
- Genre: Adventure » Point-and-Click
The Walking Dead: The Game is something special.
By giving players the option to craft relationships and make choices that fill out the story, The Walking Dead wraps you up in its events and makes you care in a way few video games can, leading to one of the most memorable gameplay experiences ever created.
Browse Xbox 360 Games By Genre
See also: Best Original Xbox Games & Best Xbox One Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which Xbox 360 point and click game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!