We already published the list of best Xbox 360 games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best Xbox 360 action RPGs of all time.
With amazing titles available, the Xbox 360 definitely has a great library of action RPGs.
So, if you’re a fan of both the Xbox 360 and action RPGs, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#25. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

- Release Data: Vicarious Visions/Activision, 2009
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Not only will the campaign last you around 15 hours or so, but the branching story gives you a good reason to return.
And while Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 may not take the series in a big and bold new direction, it does deliver the button-mashing, over-the-top action fans of the original would expect.
#24. Mass Effect 3: Leviathan

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2012
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
For fans of not just the three games in this series but the lore behind them, this DLC is almost a must play for the story alone.
At three hours it’s not the lengthiest content addition of all time, but it’s definitely worth your time.
#23. Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax

- Release Data: Opus/Microsoft Game Studios, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
One of Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax‘s greatest strengths is that it feels both fresh and familiar.
This is a role-playing game minus most of the things that make a role-playing game, and that’s not necessarily an endorsement, but the resulting action game is unlike anything else you’ve ever played.
#22. Dragon Age II

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
It’s a shame that the intricacies in Dragon Age II were tempered by unnecessary simplification and unfocused storytelling.
Nevertheless, Dragon Age II makes a strong impression, pulling you through with the promise of another fun quest, another character to meet, and another beast to slay.
#21. Dungeon Defenders

- Release Data: Trendy Entertainment, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Dungeon Defenders is a game designed to be played in co-op mode with the four character classes each filling a distinct role.
When you get a group of friends together and each person knows their role, Dungeon Defenders can be a lot of fun.
#20. Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

- Release Data: Capcom, 2013
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
There’s no getting around it: Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is difficult.
There are moments when playing it that it may even feel like it’s impossible and completely unfair, but the feeling of beating this title makes the incredibly tough adventure well worth it.
#19. DeathSpank

- Release Data: Hothead Games/Electronic Arts, 2010
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
As a single-player game, DeathSpank really shines.
The addictive nature of leveling up and looting treasure chests and fallen enemies is here in high degree, not to be missed by fans of the genre.
Overall, it’s a solid title with genuine humor that moves quickly and doesn’t wear out its welcome.
#18. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

- Release Data: Big Huge Games/Electronic Arts, 2012
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning isn’t the perfect game.
Its random technical hiccups and inconsistent art style certainly holds it back from even higher levels of greatness.
But no matter what you’re looking for, whether it be amazing gameplay, immersive storytelling or perhaps a riveting new world to explore as you fully customize your character at will, Reckoning has it all.
#17. DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue

- Release Data: Hothead Games/Electronic Arts, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue proves that some formulas don’t need a drastic overhaul to be fun.
This long adventure can stretch for more than 15 hours if you complete every quest, and there are so many characters to meet that things never get boring.
Overall, it’s a simple journey that pushes humor to the forefront, and it’s a refreshing one.
#16. Tales of Vesperia

- Release Data: Bandai Namco Games, 2008
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Tales of Vesperia isn’t very different from its predecessors, but it’s easily the best game in the series thanks to its great cast of characters and clever balance of storytelling and gameplay.
It’s beautiful, it’s engaging, and it’s fun, and while it won’t challenge your combat prowess, it will challenge what you should expect from a modern RPG.
#15. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

- Release Data: Raven Software/Activision, 2006
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Beyond being a well-made and accessible action RPG, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance really captures the essence of the Marvel Universe, a pretty incredible feat considering the breadth of the source material.
This is simply a must-have for Marvel fans, though the action itself remains satisfying enough for those in search of a good dungeon-crawler to enjoy.
#14. Torchlight

- Release Data: Runic Games/Microsoft Game Studios, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Torchlight might not break any new ground, but it remains an inspired re-imagining of the hack-and-slash RPG formula.
While the lack of multiplayer might keep it out of the big leagues for some players, it is still a great solo dungeon crawl with the ability to eat up a lot of your spare time.
#13. Dust: An Elysian Tail

- Release Data: Humble Hearts/Microsoft Game Studios, 2012
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
This game usually overcomes its missteps to offer a pleasurable experience.
And once you’re sucked in, there is so much content that you can spend more than a dozen hours exploring this land.
Dust: An Elysian Tail struggles at times, but there’s an awful lot of charm buried within.
#12. Guardian Heroes

- Release Data: Treasure/Sega, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Guardian Heroes is a fantastic addition to the Xbox Live Arcade catalog of remakes.
While the remix graphics don’t benefit the game, and the gameplay flow shows its age, Guardian Heroes remains a classic in the hack and slash genre.
For any action RPG fans who didn’t catch the Sega Saturn original, Guardian Heroes is highly recommended.
#11. Mass Effect 3: Citadel

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2013
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Mass Effect 3: Citadel, swan song of the series, casts Shepard and friends off on one last comedic adventure, albeit in very shallow waters.
If you’ve helped Shepard endure from Eden Prime all the way to the Catalyst’s chamber, then you’ll have plenty to laugh about in Citadel.
#10. Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2010
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Overall, Lair of the Shadow Broker is worthy of your time and your money.
If for no other reason, buy it to experience what is likely the best combat environment yet for a sequel rightfully lauded for its visual artistry.
#9. Diablo III

- Release Data: Blizzard Entertainment, 2013
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
On console as on PC, Diablo III is a very safe game.
It never diverges from the path carved by its predecessors and the numerous loot-driven hack-and-slash dungeon crawlers they inspired.
But Diablo III also proves that when done well, the classic formula can still be absorbing.
#8. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

- Release Data: CD Projekt Red Studio/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, 2012
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings is an excellent port of a superb game, embracing many of the elements we love about RPGs without skimping on any of them.
It is a mature game indeed—not just because of its sexual themes and violent images, but because of its complex portrayal of morally ambiguous individuals struggling in a morally ambiguous world.
#7. Bastion

- Release Data: Supergiant Games/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
It’s a wonderfully crafted adventure that presents a fun and focused challenge you can customize in all sorts of ways.
Once you finish, a new game-plus feature opens up that lets you carry over all your weapons and experience from the previous game.
Even though it may be the end of the world in Bastion, it’s still an amazingly good time.
#6. Dark Souls

- Release Data: From Software/Namco Bandai Games, 2011
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
This isn’t a lighthearted romp in a bright and colorful fantasy world; it’s a methodical journey into the frightening unknown.
The game’s world is so memorable, and its action so thrilling, that it might invade your thoughts even when you aren’t playing, silently urging you to escape the real world and return to this far more treacherous one.
#5. Fable II

- Release Data: Lionhead Studios/Microsoft Game Studios, 2008
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
It’s hard not to get sucked into Fable II.
The world is so charming and your choices so profound, that it’s easy to look past the game’s shortcomings.
The new ideas presented here may not change the future of gaming, but there are some noteworthy additions that make this feel completely unique.
#4. Dark Souls II

- Release Data: From Software/Namco Bandai Games, 2014
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Dark Souls II provides the best of both worlds: an admirable sequel for series veterans, and a perfect jumping-on point for gamers who’ve shied away from this series.
And if you’re afraid of the series’ difficulty, the developer has made sinking into Souls addiction a more effortless process.
You just have to let Dark Souls II break you first.
#3. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

- Release Data: Digital Eclipse/Konami, 2007
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is an epic adventure that set the tone for all of the 2D Castlevania adventures that we’ve been seeing on the GBA and DS over the years.
It’s a healthy-size adventure that expands nicely to make multiple playthroughs desirable, and it’s probably one of the beefiest Xbox Live Arcade releases.
#2. Mass Effect 3

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2012
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
Mass Effect 3 has its flaws, but they’re of minimal consequence in a game this enthralling.
Whether you possess a storied history with the series or come with a clean slate, Mass Effect 3 expertly entangles you in its universe and inspires you to care about its future.
#1. Mass Effect 2

- Release Data: BioWare/Electronic Arts, 2010
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
This is a galaxy you want to explore that is populated with characters you are glad to know.
Mass Effect 2 is the kind of game that you return to, not just because it’s fun to play multiple times, but also because its universe is a place you wish you could call home.
Browse Xbox 360 Games By Genre
See also: Best Original Xbox Games & Best Xbox One Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which Xbox 360 action RPG is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!