We already published the list of best Dreamcast games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best Dreamcast fighting games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the Dreamcast definitely has a great library of fighting games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the Dreamcast and fighting games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#10. Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes

- Release Data: Capcom/Virgin Interactive, 1999
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 2D
Marvel vs. Capcom is everything you’d expect from an over-the-top, ultra-flashy fighter.
But do yourself a favor and pick up a few joysticks instead of punishing yourself with the inferior standard pad.
The joysticks are definitely worth the extra money, and really give you the feeling of having the arcade machine in your home.
#9. Capcom vs. SNK

- Release Data: Capcom, 2000
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 2D
Arcade, versus, practice, and team-attack modes compose the game, while a secret mode houses all the game’s unlockable features.
New stages, options, and game modes are also hidden in the game, waiting for you to gather the points to purchase them.
Altogether, there are 77 hidden elements, causing the game’s single-player replay value to spike quite considerably.
#8. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike

- Release Data: Capcom, 2000
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 2D
Aimed at the more vicious of gamers who need to have every version of all their favorite titles ever made, this is one of those definitive hardcore titles.
If you identify as a hardcore fan of the series, then go ahead and pick it up.
#7. Power Stone

- Release Data: Capcom, 1999
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 3D
All in all, Power Stone is a very fun and unconventional fighter.
It’s easy enough for even non-fighting game fans to pick up the basics extremely quickly. However, the excitement is short lived.
Expect to enjoy it immensely for the first week or two, but don’t expect to find very much long-term fun.
#6. Street Fighter Alpha 3

- Release Data: Capcom, 2000
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 2D
If you’ve already purchased Alpha 3 on the PlayStation, that may very well be enough.
But the Dreamcast version is a flawless conversion of the arcade game, with more options than its PlayStation counterpart, making it a more than worthwhile addition to the Dreamcast’s already-deep 2D fighter lineup.
#5. Power Stone 2

- Release Data: Capcom, 2000
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 3D
Fans of the original Power Stone will be pleased with the similar, yet enhanced feel of Power Stone 2.
Even with only two players, it’s still a lot of fun, plus the game is more balanced than its predecessor.
As a four-player game, it’s definitely one of the wildest fighters to come to the Dreamcast.
#4. Ultimate Fighting Championship

- Release Data: Anchor/Capcom, 2000
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 3D
Overall, UFC successfully merges the ease of play you’d expect from a fighting game with the simulation aspects of a sports game.
UFC purists may find a few nagging aspects that aren’t true to the sport, but the sacrifices that were made improve the gameplay by a great deal.
Fans of wrestling or fighting games should definitely enjoy the game.
#3. Marvel vs. Capcom 2

- Release Data: Capcom/Virgin Interactive, 2000
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 2D
Overall, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is an outstanding fighting game.
If you’re even a remote fan of Marvel comic books, Capcom fighting games, or fighting games in general, then this game has something to offer to you.
Fans of the off-kilter action found in the previous versus games will surely be pleased with Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
#2. Dead or Alive 2

- Release Data: Team Ninja/Tecmo, 2000
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 3D
If you have enough gaming friends to maximize the tag-battle mode, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better 3D fighter out there.
This is, after all, just a fighting game, but it represents its genre like an ambassador at the ball.
#1. SoulCalibur

- Release Data: Namco, 1999
- Genre: Action » Fighting » 3D
Yes, it is a fighting game, a genre with a fairly limited scope, but insofar as fighting games go, Soul Calibur is a mind-numbing perfection.
Absolutely brilliant in all aspects, as far as games of this type go, Soul Calibur is the undisputed king of the hill.
It is essential in any gamer’s collection.
Browse Dreamcast Games By Genre
See also: Best Saturn Games & Best Gaming Chairs
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which Dreamcast fighting game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!