We already published the list of best GameCube games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best GameCube beat ’em up games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the GameCube definitely has a great library of beat ’em up games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the GameCube and beat ’em up games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#10. Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu

- Release Data: Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft, 2003
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 3D
If constantly slugging it out with common street toughs for a few hours doesn’t sound appealing, this probably isn’t the game for you.
But if you do enjoy straightforward, no-nonsense action, Rise of Sin Tzu delivers it in an appealing package and is one of the best 3D beat-’em-up action games you’ll find.
#9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

- Release Data: Konami, 2003
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 3D
There are things about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that can be praised.
Its graphical style is quite pleasing to look at, and the game certainly deserves points for giving you a multiplayer option.
Fans of the TV series will likely not be swayed by the game’s elementary fighting mechanics and should find the storyline entertaining.
#8. Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble

- Release Data: Clover Studio/Capcom, 2005
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 2D
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble is just a bit too crazy for its own good.
It packs in all the style of the Viewtiful Joe games, which is great, but there just isn’t enough room on the screen to contain the action.
Viewtiful Joe fans will appreciate the characters, as well as the look and feel of the game.
#7. Fantastic 4

- Release Data: 7 Studios/Activision, 2005
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 3D
Though Fantastic 4 does offer all the elements of a good beat-’em-up game on paper, the execution of those features leaves something to be desired.
If you’re really into the movie or the comic and can look past drab environments and controls that aren’t as crisp as they should be, then Fantastic 4 might be worth a quick session.
#6. Hunter: The Reckoning

- Release Data: High Voltage Software/Interplay, 2002
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 3D
Hunter is a pretty short game, and the extras you’re rewarded with after completing the game really don’t provide all that much motivation to go through it again.
So, if you’re looking for a quick fix of heavy action and a fun multiplayer game, then Hunter: The Reckoning is definitely worth it.
#5. Hulk

- Release Data: Radical Entertainment/Universal Interactive, 2003
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 3D
For all that The Hulk misses on, the game gets enough of it right to tip the scales in its favor.
The action sequences are fun, but the combat is so simple and the story mode so short that the game’s lasting appeal is limited.
It won’t take you very long, but it’ll still be a largely satisfying experience.
#4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds

- Release Data: Eurocom/Sierra Entertainment, 2003
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 3D
Though Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds can’t be called any kind of real major technical improvement over the first Buffy game, it provides enough new and interesting achievements to make it a great follow-up.
In the end, Chaos Bleeds is an excellent action adventure game that most fans of the genre should be able to enjoy.
#3. Spider-Man: The Movie

- Release Data: Treyarch/Capcom, 2002
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 3D
The outdoor levels are so much more fun and enjoyable than the indoor levels—so much that the game could have been much better had there simply been more of the former and less of the latter.
In addition, the sheer number of extras along with the high degree of challenge, should keep you busy for some time.
#2. Viewtiful Joe 2

- Release Data: Clover Studio/Capcom, 2004
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 2D
The action of blockbuster movies and comic book heroes erupts on-screen in this awesome adventure!
Players control both Joe and Silvia, each with their own special VFX powers.
This sequel doubles down on the action as well, delivering levels set in crazy action films and colorful sequences with a cool cel-shaded visual style.
#1. Viewtiful Joe

- Release Data: Clover Studio/Capcom, 2003
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 2D
Few action games are as colorful and inventive as this one, with its awesome characters and explosive action.
Joe has several unique “VFX” powers that allow him to slow down time, rewind past mistakes, and boost his attack power.
Overall, this game provides a consistently entertaining and imaginative level design, with fun and challenging gameplay to boot.
Browse GameCube Games By Genre
See also: Best GBA Games & Best DS Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which GameCube beat ’em up game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!