We already published the list of best Genesis games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best Genesis RPGs of all time.
With amazing titles available, the Genesis definitely has a great library of RPGs.
So, if you’re a fan of both the Genesis and RPGs, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#5. Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom

- Release Data: Sega, 1991
- Genre: Role-Playing » Japanese-Style
Overall the game is actually not as bad as people think and if you are an RPG fan, I would recommend it be somewhere on your to play list.
The generation system is a pretty good idea even if it’s not done as well as it should have been and there are some pretty cool scenes otherwise.
And had this title not been branded as Phantasy Star III and instead was sold as a standalone RPG adventure, it would be easier to look to its positive points.
#4. Shining in the Darkness

- Release Data: Climax Entertainment/Sega, 1991
- Genre: Role-Playing » Western-Style
Give this one a try if you don’t mind a little old-school RPG monotony mixed in with your fantasy adventuring.
Or if you’re a fan of later games in the Shining series and you’re curious to see how it all began, then this is the game.
Yet even if you’re not a Shining fan, you’ll still have fun. There’s a massive, well-made RPG here, and that’s something not to be taken lightly on the Genesis.
#3. Beyond Oasis

- Release Data: Ancient/Sega, 1994
- Genre: Role-Playing » Action RPG
If you’re an RPG fan you might find this a little lightweight, but for those of you that turn pale at the thought of indulging in a role playing adventure, this should serve as a gentle introduction to the genre.
It’s not a timeless classic, and it could have used a bit more polish in several areas, but it is a solid representation of 16-bit era action RPGs.
Regardless of your stance you’d have to be pretty sad and shambling not to enjoy this game.
#2. Phantasy Star II

- Release Data: Sega, 1990
- Genre: Role-Playing » Japanese-Style
In the end, Phantasy Star II is an impressive example of classic old-school role-playing.
There’s no denying that Phantasy Star II is a title worthy of your time and effort.
But only play Phantasy Star II if you’re prepared to spend a significant amount of time doing old-school RPG “chores” like level-grinding.
#1. Phantasy Star IV

- Release Data: Sega, 1995
- Genre: Role-Playing » Japanese-Style
As with most well-regarded and highly praised classic RPGs from the past, it’s difficult to sum up in short the full appeal of a game like Phantasy Star IV.
This title is still so beloved to this day, though, that dedicated fans still replay it again and again.
Overall, Phantasy Star IV is an outstanding role-playing game, even if it is for the Sega Genesis.
Browse Genesis Games By Genre
See also: Best Gaming Chairs & Best Saturn Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which Genesis RPG is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!