We already published the list of best Genesis games of all time, now it’s time to discover the best Genesis beat ’em up games of all time.
With amazing titles available, the Genesis definitely has a great library of beat ’em up games.
So, if you’re a fan of both the Genesis and beat ’em up games, there’s a chance you’ll like this list.
And some of you may already know some of the games mentioned in this list.
#5. Golden Axe II

- Release Data: Sega, 1991
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 2D
Though the game has its merits and can be fun to play with a friend, there just isn’t anything noteworthy about Golden Axe II that would set it above its own predecessor.
New players may be disappointed to find that this follow-up does nothing new with the design.
In short, Golden Axe II does lose some of the charm that the original had, so if you are a newcomer to the series, start with the first game which is a better game all-round.
#4. Golden Axe

- Release Data: Sega, 1989
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 2D
If you never played the game in its heyday, this is an influential game that’s worth experiencing by anyone interested in getting back to the roots of what makes cooperative action gaming so exciting.
Golden Axe is a product of its time but we would recommend it to those who enjoy the beat ‘em up genre.
It may look and feel dated but it’s still a good time.
#3. Streets of Rage

- Release Data: Sega, 1991
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 2D
It is a top tier game that anyone with a SEGA Genesis (or a PC with emulator installed) should own.
It’s an absolute blast to play, even today.
And while you can play it all day and have a great time by yourself, getting a friend to play with and going at it two-players is where the fun begins.
#2. Streets of Rage 3

- Release Data: Sega, 1994
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 2D
To put it simply, Streets of Rage 3 is a good follow-up to a great game.
You’ll get more brawling action, more stages, some new characters and the like.
And it’s hard not to recommend more of what made Streets of Rage so appealing in the first place.
#1. Streets of Rage II

- Release Data: Sega, 1992
- Genre: Action » Beat-‘Em-Up » 2D
The game only takes about two hours to complete, which is not too long, but fits very well with the simplicity of the beat ’em up genre.
Played co-operatively or just by yourself, Streets of Rage II is a great beat ’em up experience and one of the best Genesis titles ever made.
If you are ever only going to play one game of this genre, I highly recommend that you choose Streets of Rage II.
Browse Genesis Games By Genre
See also: Best Gaming Chairs & Best Saturn Games
Are your favorite games on the list?
Deciding which Genesis beat ’em up game is the best is no doubt a never ending topic, but it’s fun to do!